$ 200.00

Palomino is one of the most special places in the Colombian Caribbean and one of the main tourist destinations in La Guajira, it has beautiful beaches with fine white sand and a perfect environment for relaxation. It is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the south, the Palomino River to the west and the San Salvador River to the east, due to its location Palomino combines green landscapes that contrast with the immensity of the Caribbean Sea and with the imposing mountains of the Sierra Nevada, making it a magical place surrounded by nature.

Due to the special nature of the bag, its colors, and characteristics, we wanted to name our palomino bag.

The KAI bags, hand woven by women of the Wayuu community of the Colombian Guajira, represent with their colorful designs and patterns elements of the indigenous culture, for the Wayuu people weaving is an ancestral heritage that allows them to symbolically express customs, beliefs, as well as interpret the natural environment and the life that surrounds them.

The artisans, with their skillful hands and deep knowledge of weaving, create pieces of great beauty and symbolism. Each bag is unique, beautiful, and perfect to wear on any occasion.

4 in stock
